* three Great-tailed Grackles. Illustrated for the lab by Joe O’Donnell
Thanks for visiting! I recently joined the Department of Biology at the University of Texas at Arlington. We’ll be updating this site over the year as we are getting settled in to the new space.
In the lab, we work at the interface of science and society to understand the consequences of environmental change on the world around us. This work is largely collaborative and interdisciplinary.
We are currently recruiting PhD students and Postdocs. You can find more details in the Opportunities tab. We are particularly excited to work with folks who are interested in the connections between science and society, and the social context of biological research.
* why grackles? Because lots of people have strong feelings about grackles—you either love 'em or you hate 'em. But whatever feelings you might have toward grackles, they’re a lively part of the environments where they occur, like grocery store parking lots here in Texas! We also once saw a group of grackles that seemed unbothered in the middle of a dust storm in West Texas. They are adaptable and have complex social behaviors, which is part of why we fall on the side of ‘love them’ in the lab!